General information for traveling to EARIE 2022 in Vienna
The official conference language is English. No translation/interpretation services will be provided.
CEST (UTC+2:00)
In emergency situations, you can contact the local police, ambulance service, fire department and other emergency services by calling 112, free of charge.
Medical services
If you need to see a doctor or a dentist during your stay in Vienna, we recommend contacting your hotel’s reception desk who will refer you to the medical professionals assigned to the hotel. If you require immediate medical, please call the emergency services at 112. Emergency medical services (including transportation by ambulance) are not for free and you will be invoiced for any services rendered.
Persons holding the European Health Insurance Card have free access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in Austria.
International dialing code
Austria: +(43)
In Austria, the standard voltage is 230 V and the frequency is 50 Hz. You can use your electric appliances in Austria, if the standard voltage in your country is between 220 and 240 V. Power plugs and sockets in Austria are of type F.
ATMs & credit cards
ATMs are widely available throughout Vienna. Credit Cards are accepted almost everywhere.
If you would like to give a tip in restaurants and cafes, a 5-10% tip is most common to give.
Visa Requirements
Participants are advised to make their own arrangements to enter Austria. Click here to check which are the requirements to visit Austria.
The Local Organising Committee recommends that all participants check the websites of the Austrian embassy in their country prior to travel to ensure that they have all the necessary paperwork for travel.
Neither the Local Organising Committee nor EARIE can be held responsible for and cannot refund any registration fees for participants who fail to obtain their visas prior to travel.
Visa application support letters
If you need a Visa application support letter, the conference organizers can provide this letter once, if:
- you have registered for the conference and
- your registration fee has been received.
If you require a visa, please apply for it within a reasonable period of time (minimum three months before the planned travel).
Once you meet these two requirements, please send an e-mail to the conference organizers at specifying your full name and the address of the relevant embassy (consulate) where you are going to apply for a visa. Please also let us know if you are a speaker. Your request will be processed as soon as possible, and the conference invitation letter (scan) for your visa application will be e-mailed to you.
Unfortunately, we cannot send hard copies of support letters for visa applications by post, courier, or other mail services.